Saturday, 14 February 2009

Another view

Another view

Panel Supremo Iain McKenzies place

A visit to Panel Supremo Iain McKenzies place...a treasure trove of vehicles and bits... I was like a fat kid in a sweetshop. Cars, vans and panels to explore and enjoy. Many thanks to Iain for allowing me to publish photo's

As he is at the moment

Resting awaiting warmer weather...and hopefully a warmer storage place

Another view of the step

Nothing much happening with the cold weather at the moment, damp and Mig's don't work together we found out! Still, the last photo's of Granville,with new Scuttle in place,and steps on one side done.

Really, after he had been left for so long at the Sandblasters,and his body sagged, he should have been broken for spares,but I couldn't bring myself to do it.